Thoughts on this:
“When your mind tries to speak on your behalf, remember that the voice you hear in your head is not you. Your mind is not even an actual entity, but a process—a mechanical process. It’s just made up of thoughts, and the thoughts it produces are coming from programs formed by your beliefs and held in your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the storehouse of our beliefs, memory, personality traits, automatic processes, and habits, and its operation is no different from that of a computer; it’s completely mechanical.
Your subconscious mind receives information from the conscious mind, which is your thinking mind, and it accepts all the data that the thinking mind puts into it. The subconscious mind doesn’t discriminate with any of the information coming into it, but instead accepts everything that the thinking mind believes is true.
So basically our mind recycles thoughts according…
To be free from past regrets and future anxiety. Thoughts of present moment filled with gratitude. Thanks for sharing. I love this information.