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All the love you ever needed is right inside yourself.

Updated: Sep 25, 2023

For the longest time, I was looking for love outside myself. I was positive it was out there somewhere.

In relationships with women, I would look for proof that I was lovable, by trying to find it in the words they would share with me.

I remember one time when someone said they wanted the relationship to end, I felt like life was over. I felt unlovable.

It was as if I was attaching a hose to another person, hoping that they could somehow fill the void inside.

It took me the longest time to understand that in order to experience love I would need to look in the mirror and learn to love myself.

That was the only place I could and eventually did, ever find true love. NOBODY completes me. I complete myself. Period.

There is no experience of love if I am not that love myself. I went through so many relationships thinking the answer would be found there, yet all along, it was right inside myself.

So today, my brother from another mother, Eli Schostak, who actually was the first person to help me see that all that love I was searching for was right inside myself, commented about a song he heard by Dustin Paul.

To me, this song is what I was searching for back in the day. I was searching for someone to tell me that I MUST BELIEVE MYSELF that I am enough and that all the love and support I ever needed was right inside.

So, with that, I share this song from Dustin. I am not sure if he understands the true power in his song, but this is recognition that it is powerful and it effected me deep down.

I hope when you listen to this song, you hear it as if it is about you. It is about you. You are the answer. You have all the power. You have all the love you ever need. It is all right inside of you.

I love you all and appreciate having you all in my life.


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